
Movement & Growth

When is movement growth ... And how is it different from development?

Moving, growing and developing, I can't live without it.

With every movement, something changes. Everything is always in motion. From the smallest cell in the body to the eternally spinning sun in the universe. For a very long time I found it difficult to take a pass. I am getting better at it. But when is movement growth? And what is the difference with development? Learning and de-development gives meaning to life in my eyes. Discovering what you are here to do as a human being. Unwrapping from all wrappings and layers, until the core remains.

Growing à la nature: healthy versus uncomfortable 

Imagine personal and professional growth as a dance between natural rhythms and smart strategies. How beautiful that would be. On the one hand, you have that healthy growth, think of a sturdy oak tree, rising sustainably and in harmony with its surroundings. And then, oops, there you have the wild growth spurts, like weeds overgrowing everything - fast, but damaging in the long run. So opt for the former, of course!

Healthy growth: the smart marathon

 Sustainable growth is like a carefully planned marathon. It is not just about crossing the finish line, but also about appreciating the landscape around it. This is growth that considers the whole lot: employees, customers, community, and yes, even Mother Nature. Growth with depth - that's what it's all about.

The uncomfortable side: toxic growth 

But then, the dark side: unhealthy growth. This is the "fast food" version of expansion - fast, tempting, but ultimately bad for your health. Think burnouts, ethical knots, and ultimately the demise of the company and, at worst, the planet.

"Growth that doesn't just pad the bank account"

Balancing: the secret recipe 

The true challenge? Finding that perfect balance, flow and rhythm. Growth that doesn't just pad the bank account. But growth that makes yourself, others and the world a little better. The oh so tricky sustainable behavior change: continuing to build habits and a culture where well-being, ethics, and sustainability steal the show. Knowing that every life and also every organization has his or her own life cycle with highs, and lows.

Movement and time: the relative dance 

This is where it gets exciting: the dance between time and movement. Sometimes you have to sprint, sometimes just pause to reflect. Just like nature taking a break in winter, only to bloom again in spring. In this fast-paced world, it is tempting to just want to be fast, but sometimes slow is actually golden. Balance between active and passive, effort and relaxation, doing and being!

Growth versus development: quality over quantity 

The difference between growth and development is like the difference between a fast-growing plant and a carefully cultivated bonsai. Growth is about "more, more, more," while development is about "better, deeper, stronger. And guess what? The latter needs time and love.

Thinking 'and-and': the new cool in leadership 

Welcome to the world of paradoxical leadership - where contradictions are actually cool. It's about embracing both speed and diligence, intuition and reason, action and reflection. This "and-and" thinking creates flexible, creative people who are ready for anything that comes.

Conclusion: the art of balance 

It's like juggling on a skateboard or doing a flick on the balance beam. It's about finding that sweet spot between growing and thriving, height and depth, pain and pleasure, planning and letting it run its course, and so much more. By mastering this balancing art, we achieve balance!

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