
The JACKELIEN is out!

Discover and meet me!

Jet Fear

Pretty exciting having your own magazine! The little sister of fear of failure is ray fear so I heard the other day. I suffered from both. And since in my eyes you can only learn if you dare to face your fears, it was time for a magazine. Kairos Consultancy, who created this beautiful magazine together with me, wrote a blog at the launch.

"I'm heeeeeeeeel happy with it and also a bit proud of it," apptee Jackelien Van Dijk. Well, you should be. This magazine came about at lightning speed. Within a month, with an intensive of 3 days and a few online meetings, Jackelien managed to capture her story. Pretty clever (we think 😉 ) because Jackelien is of many things. So a nice challenge for both of us to highlight all those sides and still get a clear message across. And that worked out well. Future Fit is Jackelien's thing and that includes many aspects. Central are: Movement and growth, the synergy between people and technology, and the power of intuition. Thank you Jackelien, also for your enthusiasm, decisiveness and innovative approach and that you wanted to take on this challenge with us!

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