

What values does HumanFits stand for?

Values are more than valuable

At HumanFits, a networking company, we strongly believe in the power of collaboration. In a network, you are constantly building relationships and finding the right partners. In these dynamic interactions, having clear and shared values is invaluable. They are the basis for trust and mutual understanding, essential elements for successful and sustainable collaborations. When we choose partners who share our values, we create a strong, coherent foundation for all the activities and projects we undertake. This is at the heart of our approach at HumanFits - building a network where values are not only shared, but actively adhered to and applied in every aspect of our work.

Our values - connecting, pure, courageous and challenging - are carefully chosen to create an environment in which both employees and clients can thrive. 'Connecting' underscores our commitment to building strong, meaningful relationships both internally and with our clients. 'Pure' reflects our commitment to authenticity and transparency in all our interactions. 'Courageous' recognizes the importance of courage in facing challenges and embracing change. Finally, 'Challenging' motivates us to question the status quo, innovate and continually strive for improvement. At HumanFits, we believe that acting on these values not only leads to better business results, but also contributes to a more meaningful and fulfilled life, both for ourselves and for those we work with.


Connecting is done in part by connecting with yourself first. Only then can you connect well with others. The scientific concept Mbit (Multiple Braining Integration Techniques) reveals that we have not one but three brains: head, heart and belly. When these three are in harmony, as if they form a soul band together, only then do we achieve true wisdom. It is a blend of logic, values and instinct.


Courage, or "COEUR-age," refers to the strength of the heart (coeur) in facing challenges. It is about showing bravery not only in taking risks, but also in staying true to yourself and your principles, even when it is difficult. Daring to step outside your comfort zone, because that's where the "magic" is. A lifetime, at any age. It refers to the primal power in every human being to discover and use primal talents.


Pure represents authenticity, being close to nature -because, after all, we are nature- and simplicity in complexity. This value emphasizes the importance of transparency, sincerity and the pursuit of what is natural, real and authentic, both in personal actions and in interactions with others.


Challenging means constantly seeking healthy growth and development both personally, professionally and for the greater good such as the world around us. This value encourages questioning conventions, pushing boundaries and embracing new perspectives, with a dynamic and playful approach at its core.

Nothing is true, everything is valuable - Dr. Jurriaan