
Intuition in business

An underrated force!

Intuition in business: an underrated force

Intuition, well ... just describe it. Where now algorithms and data analytics steal the show, intuition seems to be a bit out in the cold. Especially in the business world, where the brain rules the roost and the heart and gut often take the backseat. This has long bothered me, because as a sensitively savvy person in the business world, I saw that a lot of (inner) wisdom was ignored.

Intuition, that quiet, subtle inner compass, is actually an unprecedented power player. A kind of secret superhero that whispers to us to look beyond the dry numbers and graphs. It helps us think outside the box, to find creative solutions where logic only shrugs its shoulders. So beyond all those unprecedented digital ver- and insights, intuition remains our reliable sidekick in making smart, sometimes unexpected decisions. Time to put that inner voice in the spotlight a little more often!

The essence of intuition: more than gut feeling

Intuition, that elusive "gut feeling" that often seems beyond reason. But, wait a minute, it's actually a kind of stealth mode of our brain! Based on what we see, hear, and experience, intuition helps us make quick choices without realizing it. Making the unconscious conscious is what consciousness is all about. Imagine: "reading" yourself, others, and the world around you by interpreting an avalanche of sensory data. Every second, bam! Modern leaders see intuition as a must-have in their innovation, and strategy arsenal, as the perfect complement to cold logic. Once a primitive survival mechanism, now a fancy tool in our decision-making box.

Stronger together: collective consciousness and memory 

Look at collective consciousness: together we share beliefs that shape our vision and (organizational) culture. This is grist for creativity and teamwork, super important in an era when innovations often sprout from team connections. And our collective memory? From the printing press to our current digital platforms, it is a kind of universal hard drive of human experiences and moral lessons.

Multiple Braining Integration Technique (mBIT): the trio of wisdom 

During my mBIT coaching, the pieces of the puzzle came together. The scientifically proven concept of mBIT reveals that we have not one, but three brains: head, heart and belly. When these three are in harmony, as if they form a soul band together, only then do we achieve true wisdom. It is a blend of logic, values, and instinct.

Human skills: so much more than soft skills 

The great thing is ... we all have intuition. Some are a little more finely honed from a predisposition than others, but the good news is that it can be trained. Intuition development, a super important human skill. Skills such as wonder, empathy, and creative thinking are indispensable and cannot be simply imitated by robots. That's why companies like Google are investing in programs like "Search Inside Yourself," where the focus is on cultivating intuition.

Conclusion: balancing between people and technology

In our world where people and technology go hand in hand, balance is essential. For our well-being and for business success. By blending technological tools with our human skills, we are building a future that is both tech-savvy and deeply human. In short, we are becoming totally Future Fit!

"Soft skills are HEART skills"